Thank you for considering joining Connect 2 Conquer.  Once your application is submitted, the membership committee will process your application and let you know in 3 to 14 days the determination of your application for membership.

Membership Application

What is your work mailing address? Address, City, State, Zip(Required)
Is the number listed above a landline or cell phone?(Required)

Education & Experience

Sharing more about your education and current, relevant experience is the next step!

Agreements & Understandings

Please tell us why did you decide to apply to Tuesday Titans?
What would you say are the strengths you bring to C2C. Check all that apply.(Required)
Please use references other than current Titan Tuesday member
Please use references other than current Titan Tuesday member
Tell us if you were recommended by a current member, saw a post online, etc.
Payment Options The yearly, one-time cost for joining Connect to Conquer is $300. This includes costs for room, parking, and various Member activities. Any leftover monies are given back to the community at year-end. Payment is expected before being inducted in Connect to Conquer. Please bring your payment on day of induction:(Required)
Thank you for your application! If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us at